Monday, April 7, 2008

We're Back

To our most dedicated fans who have visited our website in hopes of finding something current, we apologize deeply. A lot has happened in the last several months, and keeping up with the blog kind of fell to the wayside. We lost our dear friend Dabet Velez to breast cancer on February 16th, 2008. Although it was a trying time, and a lot of tears were shed, Dabet's courage, love, and service to others will forever be etched in our memories and hearts.
It's April already, and now we can start to smell the end of our military journey coming to an end. James will be retiring from the United States Navy on June 27th, 2008. Wow!! Where has the time gone?! James has accepted a job in Colorado Springs and that's where we will be moving come July 15th. After 20 years, we're finally settling down next to family and our REAL red and green chile; what more can we ask? The following two pictures are the last two big events that have happened in our family since we last posted. The first is of Aaron turning 13!! Aaron has grown at least two inches in the last several months. Incredible to think he's already 13. The second photo is of Jonathon driving now that he has a driver's permit, aghhhhh!!!! Except for careening around bends, he's doing quite well. So everyone, stay tuned for updates, more pictures, and more of a little bit of this and a little bit of that!


Perry said...

Hooray! The Garcia's are back. Sonia do you have any idea how many times I've come to your blog only to be greeted with the disappointment of no new news? Jonathan you better practice up 'cause if you hope to drive as well as I do you have to work on getting some "skills".

Emily said...

Glad to see you all are posting again! Hope all goes well with the transition of moving and all that fun stuff! Tell the kids we said hello, and to go easy around those bends!

Lucy said...

sHE'S bACK!! gOOD to heaR fROM YOU!! go JONAthon!

Monique said...

No way! Jonathon driving!! wowsas. Yeah! Thanks for the new post. The snowball fight was REALLY cool the first two times I saw it. . . :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sonia!

I once found your blog and then after a while gave up on you! I just saw it again and am SO happy to see you are BACK on! Keep it up!