Monday, April 14, 2008

April 14th ALREADY?!?!

I guess keeping up with the blog is going to be WORK! I can't believe a week has gone by already! Thank you to all the bloggers who commented...and have been checking in like true guys will get a Christmas card from us this year :) Other happenings not mentioned before are: Sonia got a job at Bath and Body Works. I love it, I only work a couple of days a MONTH, and I get a fantastic discount. I've also been hitting the gym at the YMCA with Lucy, you know, the one who has to do a sit up for every comment posted on her blog?! It's been going great...12 pounds lost in almost 28 days! Yipeeee! I'll post a photo, say, around, NEVER! I guess this is it for now. Surely when another week has gone by tomorrow, I'll have something new to post, HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!


Lucy said...

I know why do people have to comment?? :D You Look HOT HOT HOT!! and I posted a pic of YOU on MY BLOG!! SO everyone go check it out! Sonia is rocking it!

Crystal said...

Yay! Sonia is posting again! It's good to hear about your fam. Congrats on retiring from the evil navy.

Lori said...

It was so fun seeing you at the Y. You're such an inspiration!