Monday, November 10, 2008

Looking back

I just spent about an hour and a half of my morning today reading up on some of our friend's blogs. I am blown away at the thoughts and creativity of some of you. This has got me to thinking about the people behind them. We've only known most of you for maybe the last four years. That's all. And yet, most of you have made an enormous impact on our lives. I am sitting here with a heart full of love and gratitude for you. I can't name everyone just yet, as I still need another TEN hours to go through all the blogs, but here are the ones I have read.
Lucy and Josh: Without you, our lives would have been a little quieter, but not as interesting. Lucy, I love that my sense of humor didn't offend you or that being too quiet wasn't a drawback for you in getting to know me. Your friendship keeps my life light. Not to mention, without you, I'd be 26 pounds heavier and I wouldn't know my kids' secrets!! (and without you and Viviane, I wouldn't know all those...words).
Galan Family: Perry, you have been such a good friend to James. James will always consider Fort Meade ward his favorite. You were also a great example for Jonathon, and for that, we're thankful. Sara, I wish you and I could have had more time to have gotten to know each other. You seem like so much fun!
Brandi: I am forever grateful to you for the time you took to grant me one of my wishes in life: to play the flute. You are a true friend for taking the time to teach me. Thank you.
Bay Family: Steve, you are one of the ones who made the biggest difference in Jonathon's life. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Lindsey, you are the kind of sweet I wish to emulate.
Chapman Family: Here's to Monique, the first to say hello on our first Sunday. You are gorgeous inside and out. Brandon, thank you for being our favorite and constant home teacher!!! (and piano teacher too!)
Weaver Family: Slavka, I enjoyed getting to know you and James enjoyed your husband too. You may not be aware of this, but your kindness always came at a time when I needed it the most.
Well, folks, this is all an hour and a half could afford me: 6 blogs. I can only aspire to make our blog as good as yours. We sure miss you all, and we sure love you. Thank you for all that you do for us, for each other, and for being so patient as I ramble on (yes, there are tears welling up in my eyes). Have a good day, everyone!!!


Slavka said...

I didn't know- thank you :) We really miss you guys. Please tell James hello for us.

Linds said...

Thank you Sonia, it is wonderful to read your thoughtful comments about your friends. We miss you guys around here but are sure happy for you and your family. We never did get to play that card game again...Take care!

Sonia said...

Lindsay, is there an online version of Hand and Foot?!?!? Could we be so lucky?!?

Monique said...

I was the FIRST??!! I was just so excited to see you guys I guess. What a stellar family you have. You guys made home teaching sooo easy for him. He wanted to escape our hectic home to your amazingly homey home. I just know it! :) We miss you and hope you stay put for a while and wait for us to catch up with you guys. We have our sites set on C Springs as well. P.S. I love hand and foot!

greta said...

hey sonia,
it's so good to see how well you guys are doing. it would be nice to visit you if we ever make it to colorado. good luck! sherrie avery & family

Sonia said...

Sherrie!!! Oh my goodness!!! How do I get in touch with you? How is your family? Where are you guys now? What a great surprise!!!

greta said...

hey sonia,
i can't believe how grown up your kids look! and i can't believe james retired from the military! you are soooo lucky. we are still in maryland, living in odenton and the the said name ward. we had another baby, a boy named adam. matt had back surgery and he has been recovering for the past 3 months. we might be getting orders soon, but we don't know. you can keep in touch with us either by my blog ( or my email ( tell your family hello and take care.

Jennifer said...

Theres an online version of Settlers of Zarahemla ( okay they call it Catan but its the same thing! ) so maybe theres Hand and Foot!

PS- If you find a cute tall asian answering to Elder Lao wandering around your mission, hes my cousin!

Lucy said...

I'm still gloating from beating the Steelers.

But thanks for your sweet comments, we are blessed to call you friends.

Love ya.

Brandi said...

Thank you! And not just for the comment, but for everything you and your family did for us. First, you were literally and answer to a prayer when I had Amelia. We didn't know who to leave Liam with, and we prayed and you were our answer. You barely even knew us but you took him anyway.

And James and Jonathan have been our only regular home teachers in the 12 years we've been married. We felt bad that they ended up helping us move TWICE.

We have been blessed by having your family in our life and we miss you a bunch!!


Perry said...

Sonia and James, you have raised one heck of an awesome family. I can say without a doubt that I am a better person for having known the Garcia Family! James is one of the people that I admire most. He probably has no idea but I have always looked up to him. He is loyal, hardworking, friendly and most of all he truely loves you and the kids. Sonia, you are one funny lady and I still remember those papas you made for breakfast one Saturday! Sarah and I miss you you guys.
Shout out to'd better watch out I play one mean guitar (guitar hero) and I can still take you any day in an arm wrestle.

Brenda said...

Hi Sonia,

What's going on woman!? I love your new home! Miss you, Brenda

Sonia said...

BRENDA?!?!? My neighbor from Maryland?!?! How are you?!?!? I'm going to go look for your number, be right back!